Thursday, 2 October 2014

Hope for a better world

What is it that you desire the most? Is it money, a good job, a huge house, a car or a phone? What can make you happy? Probably the answer to my question brings something variable to our minds. Ransacking here and there for mere survival has become the trend of our lives. I suggest: pause. Think! Where are you going? What are you doing and what is it yielding? Witness everything and then work for bringing a change, probably a better one. The world has become miserable, no doubt, for we don’t even have time to sympathize with the accidents that happen around. People say that to find your happiness in other’s is love but I believe its humanity. By giving, you are not being benevolent to the  other but preeminently to yourself. Far away from the materialistic world, lies something that cannot be put into words. You may not relate to it by just reading but you will definitely do when you act; because that which is shared are emotions. Something which we long for. Something that has faded in the midst of blistering world. Something that we all want to care for but never do. A thing that is desired the most.
So what if you don’t own a car, a huge house and a lavish lifestyle. If you don’t mind, it doesn't really matter. What matters is the quality of time you spend. Every moment brings in a new opportunity… To live, to smile, to share, to be happy. An act of kindness doesn't take your money away, what it takes is just a few seconds out, willingness and effort and what you receive in return is what money cannot buy. It gives you a deeper understanding. A few seconds that will make you realize that each moment can be special, each moment can be lived and cherished and tons of love can be exchanged. So lets make our world a better place to live in!
Not only for the people , but plants, animals and all the living that is around, all that breathes, all that serves you in whatever way without ever asking anything in return. We continue to put our efforts in the things that no longer serve us and get disheartened and even then pretending if everything is okay. Our actions have become so not yielding and still we continue nurturing something that will give us something as vague as money- a means of survival.
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in.

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