Monday, 26 June 2017


The other day we had a new roommate in our room. She was a 35- year old woman amidst the twenties-people in the room. It isn’t ambiguous that she must have felt lost. I must say she must have a good observation that just the next day she told me, “I have never seen a person as confused as you. *laughs*” This statement came when I couldn’t decide whether to have breakfast first or go take a bath. Oh yes! At times it takes me 10 whole minutes to decide things as simple as this. I guess I could make anyone feel better who thinks he/she has lost her way in life because I have always found myself “lost and obfuscated”. Well, jokes apart! Unambiguity and uncertainty, both are a part of life and hence we all think before we take up any big decision that might lead to a different road in life. I often find myself making the simplest situations seem cryptic, not knowing where to go, which path to take. There are so many people out there to tell you what to do (especially if you’re a girl). I don’t mean to bring out the sexist, feminist or misogynist view here, but let’s agree to the fact that there is hell lot of gender stereotyping in our country and there is no escape from it no matter how hard you try. Okay, I diverted here. Let me get straight to the point why I decided to write this. Let me not make this “cryptic” for you. Let me not make it apparent that this isn’t like a life which now and then feels like a spider web. I write this because someday during the monsoons, this girl realized that life was always about FINDING YOUR TRUTH. No matter if N number of saints told you that there is no definite truth, but most of us love categorizing things in two extreme directions. On one hand, we have our life mentors guiding us on what is right and what is not and on the other hand, at times we find ourselves doing things that doesn’t fit into everyone’s right. Some of us might have known by now where do we have to reach even if we don’t know a way to it. Like that castle which you can see on the mountain top. Though not knowing the way is blasphemous and there will be always at least two ways shown to you every single time you are confused. Sure, we can choose to take the path most travelled but remember there is a road from everywhere you step in. There aren’t just circumscribed ways to reach your castle. The way to the top is foggy. You can surely follow the voice of a known person you hear from a distance, but remember there could be a shortcut that you might miss.
I know we are compelled to find the best version of ourselves despite the emotional turmoils. Someone wise once said, life is short and spending it well isn’t always about following someone great. It is about having the conviction to go your way and finding your truth. No comparing yourself to anyone, no trying to fit in other people’s “right” even if it makes no sense to others. What is the point if it doesn’t make you feel ten feet tall, if it doesn’t make you feel extraordinary, if it doesn’t lead you to where you want to go. After all, we only get one life. Why not spend it well. Why not be brave enough to be the only ones whom it makes sense to. All I found out is that you do not have to get consumed, you have to prevail.
“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.” [Source: Google Images]
And neither are you.

        Picture Courtesy: Google Images


  1. Nice one Sania, remain as u are.......confused yet very clear about your confusions. Good luck!

  2. You are confusingly clear Saniya.. nice one..

  3. Sometimes it is gud to be confused !!!!
    You get options to explore ...

  4. True fact very nice saniya


Remembering you...

  And if I was to think of you again, you remind me of all the gentle things in life. Like the comfort of my pink blanket, a hand to hold on...