Monday, 20 October 2014

Happy Realization

There are times when you see something better and you just hope if you could be like that. There are times of complete satisfaction. There are times when you completely dislike what you do. So many opinions on just one thing, one person. Isn't it quite strange and hilarious. 
Yesterday, I  was reading an article and I was awestruck how that writer had exactly known what I felt. We often want to improve things and fix the imperfections. When I look around, I realize being surrounded by suave, almost perfect people who are full of talents and the thing that appeals to me the most, their flawless command in the way they communicate. I often land up observing them keenly so that I can pick up a trick or two. Sadly, this has paid no good. Probing for topics to be put down, something which is worth a write up, I completely forgot that there was this fine day when I had decided to do something completely random for myself, for my segment of peace, something completely different from the daily schedule and the topics pertaining to science and that lead me to the ramblings on the screens before you. Yes, this blog space where I scribble anything I like.
I attended a program where we were told that human beings are machines, meaning making machine. No, I don't mean that we do something as stupid as staring at a non-living and thinking what significance it holds. But yes, it is utterly true that we work like machines. Since we step into 10th grade we get so busy being busy that we actually forget that spending leisure time is not a crime, for things we like and for things that give us happiness. Even during the vacation, sitting dormant haunts me. As if there is something left to be done and I'll be punished if I don't; that feeling of guilt. This is what was happening with me all this while and hence to break the flow I decided to put up this random post. I got so used to doing the assignments, projects and stuff that at some point of time even this seemed like a work load. I just realized that being calm is unusual but it is not a crime. I know some of us may laugh at this but its true. Pausing for once is required after all we are a little better than machines. I hope this makes some more people realize that taking a break is not an offense. Happy realization!
Blessed are those who do not fear solitude, who are not afraid of their own company, who are not always desperately looking for something to do, something to amuse themselves with, something to judge.
- Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Man is a social animal and ever since the existence of life in nature, human beings are in constant relationship with the Earth and among themselves. Communication has developed so much in recent times. It is more convenient now as compared to the ancient times to communicate with people and exchange emotions. Change or development which is probably intended to unite and bring everyone together has done the reverse in a few cases.
 "Relationships" - the one that matters to us the most. Our complaints and reasons are never ending. We justify it by saying that we are humans and hence we are meant to be imperfect. Yet we are out on a hunt for "a perfect living". Tis' such a vague deed! Surely one has time for introspection and to build a little bit of equanimity to balance life.
How difficult is it to find happiness? Does anyone know where happiness lies. The answer is yes. We all know it but some of us never let it out. Most of us find contentment in having interactions with people who really mean a lot to us. Relations are an important aspect.
It is said that today we all have become so busy that we don't have time for our loved ones. But I completely disagree with the statement. I do admit that life is getting tough but we all do think about people who hold a place in our lives. May be while travelling, walking, listening to music or doing any sort of work. We all do think about them. But savagely, it is rightly said that we take for granted the things, for which we should express the most of our gratitude. We carry our own set of emotions, the only thing that makes the difference is that they are not expressed and even if they are conveyed they are taken for granted. Everybody searches for happiness, everyone knows where their happiness lies but the surprising part is still we are unhappy. Here some of us may think that happiness comes from inside and not from any person but what i am trying to show here is that pampering has weakened us to such an extent that we have become dependent on other human beings for our happiness. May be humans are designed to be so and it states the importance of socialism. I wonder what stops people- ego, fear or false perceptions. It is difficult to believe but most of us are living in false perceptions we build based on a few incidents. Whatever it may be we never realize what prize we are paying unless it is lost. 
Life never moves matter if we are happy or sad... You define it by the relationship that matters to you the most...Unfortunately time has nothing to do with it. It will pass. People have lost their whole world and still they are just doing fine. You still breathe, you still eat, you still work, you still continue making bonds, you still study. Even if you regret or miss anything, it pays nothing. You have to even if you don't want to. People come and go, its about who chooses to stay and who leaves by choice. You can only control it to a certain extent. You are better at dry sadness than at cold anger. Pain, anger, grief...everything is just so temporary. All you can do is never stop expressing your love... Because how you define your life is how the relationship that matters to you the most goes on....:)

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Hope for a better world

What is it that you desire the most? Is it money, a good job, a huge house, a car or a phone? What can make you happy? Probably the answer to my question brings something variable to our minds. Ransacking here and there for mere survival has become the trend of our lives. I suggest: pause. Think! Where are you going? What are you doing and what is it yielding? Witness everything and then work for bringing a change, probably a better one. The world has become miserable, no doubt, for we don’t even have time to sympathize with the accidents that happen around. People say that to find your happiness in other’s is love but I believe its humanity. By giving, you are not being benevolent to the  other but preeminently to yourself. Far away from the materialistic world, lies something that cannot be put into words. You may not relate to it by just reading but you will definitely do when you act; because that which is shared are emotions. Something which we long for. Something that has faded in the midst of blistering world. Something that we all want to care for but never do. A thing that is desired the most.
So what if you don’t own a car, a huge house and a lavish lifestyle. If you don’t mind, it doesn't really matter. What matters is the quality of time you spend. Every moment brings in a new opportunity… To live, to smile, to share, to be happy. An act of kindness doesn't take your money away, what it takes is just a few seconds out, willingness and effort and what you receive in return is what money cannot buy. It gives you a deeper understanding. A few seconds that will make you realize that each moment can be special, each moment can be lived and cherished and tons of love can be exchanged. So lets make our world a better place to live in!
Not only for the people , but plants, animals and all the living that is around, all that breathes, all that serves you in whatever way without ever asking anything in return. We continue to put our efforts in the things that no longer serve us and get disheartened and even then pretending if everything is okay. Our actions have become so not yielding and still we continue nurturing something that will give us something as vague as money- a means of survival.
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in.

A destination unknown

I write my first article inspired by a friend of mine. Whosoever is reading this, may be you are one of my kind. Sometimes confused, sometimes laid back, sometimes anxious and at times determined. I stand at a point where I have to choose my career...So clear in mind to the destination I want to reach, but what life gives you is ultimately to be accepted, and the destiny remains obscure.
Moving along the streets, I ponder what is this life all about? What are we working for? The results are never known and the destination one is seeking for is still unknown. So many emotions we hold..sometimes shared and sometimes ignored. We have memories to cherish, memories to cry on, memories to laugh at and memories to hold on. If you read an old diary, you will wonder how things did change and what happened was never imagined. I seek an answer to what inspires our actions and why? What we do is for what we want, but, what happens is at times something we never wished for. I believe that the acme destination of a man remains unknown... Dream, desire, hope, expectations... A touch, a kiss, a long road... A destination unknown :)

Remembering you...

  And if I was to think of you again, you remind me of all the gentle things in life. Like the comfort of my pink blanket, a hand to hold on...