Saturday, 23 March 2019


It had only been a while since we met,
When you offered me the time I never gave myself,
When liberation was all that ran through my veins,
When I walked the path, alone and undaunted.
Most times gathering the strength to keep my faith,
I still found joy;
 In the lights and the music tapes,
In the songs of new people, 
Who never kept my happiness at stake,
In the comfortable silences, 
along the lake,
Where the wind that brushed through my face,
I felt I was home again.
And when it was time to leave,
I felt weak in my knees
though never uttered a word,
For I had had the happiest times of all.

But now that I'm gone, I know you'd be the same.
For how large was I to move the Universe,
Only as big as a speck of dust,
And so, we will watch me go.
In all Solitaire,
For I'd leave here all that you gave me,
Except the love and the memoir,
We will watch the pain that throbs down my soul.
The Universe with all its randomness,
must have another miracle to keep me sane,
And I shall cherish you till long,
For you've been my home.
It'd only been a while since we met,
And all I wanted for us was to last till the end.

Remembering you...

  And if I was to think of you again, you remind me of all the gentle things in life. Like the comfort of my pink blanket, a hand to hold on...